Düşme Sayısı 5000

Düşme Sayısı 5000

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Bastak brand, 5000 model. The device automatically measures enzyme activity in flours and wheats. Both natural and total alpha amylase enzymes can be measured with the FN and FFN measurement modes in the device. The FN measurement mode is used to detect natural alpha amylase enzymes. The FFN measurement mode is used to detect total (microbiological + natural) alpha amylase enzymes.

It is possible to switch from FN measurement mode to FFN measurement mode or vice versa with a single button. The device automatically adjusts the boiling temperature according to the sea level. Company name, address, tel and fax information can be saved in its memory.

A printer can be connected to the device to store the results, and the company information can be seen along with the results on each printout. At the end of the working period, it stops automatically by means of optical sensors. When the water level decreases, it switches to standby mode for the safety of the operator and a warning message appears on the screen. It works extremely quietly.

It has a four line LCD screen. The device has 20 function buttons. Date, time, internal temperature, test duration, measurement mode (FN or FFN) and work done (running, printing, stop…etc) can be followed on the device screen. The results can be stored thanks to the built-in printer of the device. Company information is included with the results on each printout.

The key (control) panel of the device is produced with membrane technology so that it does not wear out and can be used for years. The external dimensions of the device are 350x550x400 mm and its net weight is 17 kg. There is a 2-year warranty, 10-year spare parts supply warranty, excluding usage faults.

Technicial Specifications

Volts/Hertz 230v - 50/60hz
Ampere 5 A
Strength 700W
Device Dimensions
Width"mm" x Length "mm" x Height "mm" / Weight kg
355 x 435 x 570 / 17
Package sizes
Width"mm" x Length "mm" x Height "mm" / Weight kg
44x 55 x 95 / 31Kg
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Düşme Sayısı 5000 Cihazda bulunan FN ve FFN ölçüm modlarıyla hem doğal hem de toplam alfa amilaz enzimleri ölçülebilmektedir. FN ölçüm modu doğal alfa amilaz enzimlerini tespit etmek için kullanılır. FN50
Düşme Sayısı 5000


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